Wolf on rust


Fresh and innovative, with a unique style, Armin Redinger paints with metal, creating works inspired by his urban surroundings, e.g. for those of you who frequently travel under the London Thames, you may recognize the Rotherhithe Tunnel amongst his pieces.

On this site not only can you see some of these large metal works, but also a selection of his other paintings and prints.

"To make this site a little more fun I've added a number of hidden animations. To find them you first have to locate the icons hidden in some of the pictures (the large ones, not the thumbnails) by passing the cursor over them. When an icon appears click on it and you will be transported to one of the secret pages." - Armin Redinger

You can contact Armin by clicking on the 'Feedback' link. Prices for individual pieces will be given on request. Commissions are open to negotiation. All constructive comments and suggestions are welcome.

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I Am A Proud Member Of:
The Phenomenal Men Of The Web®
The Phenomenal Men Of The Web
UK Submit Award
Artspace 2000 World Award
Cool site award
UK Searcher Award
Golden Excellence Award

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